Learning Digital Expressive Arts in Switzerland
Day Eleven of Digital Arts and Media

today we watched a movie called The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard. a serious group of hackers got into large scale trouble with Hollywood because they were pirating media for the world. it's an interesting look at how old laws for media and new media are at odds. it reminds me of what i studied as an undergraduate communications student. who wins the fight? watch the film ;)

June 2013
Day Twelve-Fourteen of Digital Arts and Media

Day Fifteen of Digital Arts and Media

p.s. this site is like a journal, so it's really cool with me if you're like whaaaaaaaat???
theme of the day: tech stuff

i'm not in school to specifically study therapy, but i am enjoying the blended learning. i will definitely be able to apply each therapy lesson into my work with groups. the items posted here reflect the work from several days. we learned child development theories, music therapy theory, facilitation techniques and so much more. as a bonus, we got to play all kinds of amazing instruments and had yodeling lessons. no, i probably won't yodel for you when i get home.
theme of the days: music therapy
theme of the day: a contemplative photography excursion
my SD Card for my camera broke before i took the pics off. I was hoping that if i bought a new one i could access them via the miniSD, but my brilliant plan failed.
losing the pics was the perfect ending to contemplative photography, because, like the buddhist meditative practice that it is, it was only for that moment.
we took a walk down to Saas GrĂ¼nd along a path that took us by a chapel. We drank hot chocolate at a little cafe and wandered by a store that sold papercuttings!
space saved for sound and music video
this video will be cool once i can get it up! it's a compilation of short video clips taken by me and my classmates. then we extracted the sound from our videos and added an improvisational sound track with instruments. it is way rad...
coming as soon as i can get it from our Digital Arts and Media TA upon my return to Saas Fee in a few days.
me playing an African Xylophone...
if you really knew me you'd know that i know that Africa is a large continent and that i am dedicated to looking for the actual name of this type of instrument. to be continued.
sound and movement film experiment
"Play First"
instead I will share some strange pics i took with a microscope webcam: